Forum rules


Forum rules:
1. the forum should prohibit vulgar speech, obscenity, inappropriate racism.
2. the forum should prohibit personal insults, insulting relatives and so on
3. prohibition of racial hatred incitement.
4. do not duplicate topics.
5. it is forbidden to use too large signatures on the forum.
6. prohibit writing from the server, leaving him, or discussing the care of players, other players / users.
7. advertising of any narcotic substances / preparations is forbidden.
8. do not link any type of malicious link that can disrupt the software user forum.
9. prohibit third party advertising items.
10. prohibit advertising on third party websites.
11. prohibit the release and management of personal correspondence without the government's permission.
12. prohibit publishing any game mechanism errors. When looking for a game error, you must report it to the management of the project and describe all the details and personal information. Maybe reward together.
13. prohibit insulting administration.
14. Prohibited threats towards the project / administration.
Interaction with government aides:
1. event management, helpers, moderators did not get in the game console, nor will there be any game advantage.
2. assistant management can not report on the government's work on the project and their future, they do not have the reasons for such information.
3. the Assistant General Administration is not allowed to use them to benefit from their status in the competition.
4. the assistant government can not lock players in the game (see paragraph first).
5. the assistant authorities are not privileged in the race.
6. if the assistant administration violates one of the above writing points, you should make a screenshot of the violation and send it to the forum community manager or administrator's personal information.
These rules can be supplemented and / or notified without change.
The Obama administration reserves the right to change penalties according to circumstances, in violation of the rules (in the direction of mitigation, in the direction of increased penalties).