Недавний контент bahusafoo

  1. bahusafoo

    Предложения по улучшению сервера.

    To improve the economy and the attractiveness of the server, you should connect (link) the auction houses of Europe and North America servers. This will encourage crafting and item making with a larger buyer audience, and also attract players to come to the server if more items are available...
  2. bahusafoo

    Обновление сервера 28.12.2017

    Sill an issue. None of the recommended actions remedy the situation...
  3. bahusafoo

    Обновление сервера 28.12.2017

    None of the suggestions work.
  4. bahusafoo

    Обновление сервера 28.12.2017

    MAothers who do not write here that I talk to in game say all of this happens for them as well...
  5. bahusafoo

    Обновление сервера 28.12.2017

  6. bahusafoo

    Обновление сервера 28.12.2017

    Mt video card is AMD R9 390 Nitro, 8GB of RAM.... it is plenty good to run ArcheAge....
  7. bahusafoo

    Обновление сервера 28.12.2017

    It's not the Documents\Archeage folder - I reformatted my hard drive and reinstalled windows, so all of this is clean...
  8. bahusafoo

    Обновление сервера 28.12.2017

  9. bahusafoo

    Список персонажей

    I am experiencing this issue as well. I have completely formatted my SSD and reinstalled Windows 10 from scratch, installing all the latest drivers for my hardware available, even trying each graphics card driver release over the last 2 years to resolve this - still an issue. Changing to all...
  10. bahusafoo

    Предложения по улучшению сервера.

    First of all: Make it worth it for lower gear players to run in conflict zones/across the ocean. Change the percentage the crafter/turn in ratio to be 80% to the crafter instead. Other points: A. If you want to stimulate the economy: Since the server reboots often, I would find a way to...
  11. bahusafoo

    Ronin (East)

    We are RONIN! English speaking guild, but open to all languages. Looking to help each other grow and gear up. Guild interests in all aspects of the game. Apply in game or whisper Loonette (GM), Felstrex (Officer), Bahusafoo (Officer) for more info.
  12. bahusafoo

    Обновление сервера 17.08.2017

    Is everything okay? | Всё в порядке?
  13. bahusafoo

    Обновление сервера 17.08.2017

    Take the time needed to get things done correctly, we can wait!
  14. bahusafoo

    Обновление сервера 17.08.2017

    I am relaxed, just not sure how long this usually takes, this is my first update with you guys :). Only very recently discovered the ArcheRage server after not playing AA for a long time. Server is so awesome!
  15. bahusafoo

    Обновление сервера 17.08.2017

    Launcher is updated now... still no launch button though.