Client crashing after 3.0 update (Compiled list of fixes)

Hi, you may have heard or may have experienced some of the issues with the current client running on the ArcheRage server. One of the problems in particular has been the random crashes that usually occurs within five to ten minutes of launching the client. I myself had this issue since launch of the new client and up until this morning (persisting even after the hotfix). I have therefor taken the liberty of compiling a list of suggested fixes that may or may not help you fixing your client.

  • Hitting the repair button
  • Rebooting your system
  • Reinstalling the client
  • Completely removing anything related to ArcheRage (Complete uninstall, Archeage document folder)
  • Uninstall video driver (Then restart the computer and it should update it)
  • Disable VPN
  • Trying both direct x 9 and direct x 11
  • Turn off multithreading
  • Turn off vsync
  • Try different quality settings

Now I'm not completely sure which of these steps actually solved the issue i had, but somehow during any of these steps the client seemed to be working fine for several hours, and still seems to be working fine. If you have had any issues with the client yourself, and had success fixing it by any means, please write a comment here so i can add it to the list of suggested fixes.